Next level in
food safety!
We strive to be worthy of recognition as the most
reliable, fastest and customer oriented independent
laboratory in food and feed safety analyses.


There are more than 1000 pesticides used around the world to ensure food is not damaged or destroyed by pests. Each pesticide has different properties and toxicological effects. The toxicity of a pesticide depends on its function and other factors. For example, insecticides tend to be more toxic to humans than herbicides. The same chemical can have different effects at different doses (how much of the chemical a person is exposed to). It can also depend on the route by which the exposure occurs (such as swallowing, inhaling, or direct contact with the skin). #qtiservices #pesticides #laboratory #innovative
QTI-Services holds an NEN-EN-ISO/IEC 17025:2018 accreditation under registration number L678 at the Dutch Accreditation Council (RvA) for the multi-residue analysis of Pesticides and additives. The accredited scope is listed on the website of the RvA.
The analysis is performed with state of the art LC-MSMS and GC-MSMS equipment. QTI-Services offers analysis in various Food and Feed products and ingredients, such as vegetable oils, fats, fatty acids, grains, beans, oilseeds, herbs and spices. In the lists below the Pesticides analysed are specified for the different product categories.

Food & Feed

Current valid versions

List 2 LC/GC

Herbs & Spices

Current valid versions

List 3 LC/GC

Oils, Fats & Fatty Acids

Current valid versions

List 1 LC/GC

Oils & Fats - Babyfood

Current valid versions

List 4 LC/GC

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