Next level in
food safety!
We strive to be worthy of recognition as the most
reliable, fastest and customer oriented independent
laboratory in food and feed safety analyses.

QTI offers sampling (EU reg 401-2006) & testing mycotoxins- microbiological testing

Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites of moulds, which already have toxic effects on vertebrates in the smallest quantities. Depending on specific substances and concentration, they are cancerogenic, mutagenic, teratogenic and immunosuppressive. The main source for mycotoxins entering the food chain are cereals, but many other food items such as fruits and nuts may be contaminated with mycotoxins as well. Out of the approximately 400 known species of mycotoxins, which belong to very different chemical compound classes, about 25 are counted as being relevant, due to their frequency in occurrence and their concentration.

Microbiological food testing helps food industries in detecting the pathogens and spoilage organisms in food products to ensure food safety and food quality. Throughout the value chain of food products, the presence of microbes must be thoroughly investigated.​

Relevant products Food:
Crops (amongst others corn, wheat, rye, barley)
Bread and cookies
Dried fruits
Nuts, kernels and flours
Herbs and spices
Milk and dairy products
Coffee, cocoa
Beverages (e.g. beer, wine)
Baby food
Meat and meat products
Egg and poultry products
Oils and fats
